Preliminary Examination of Naeem AllahRakha’s PhD Dissertation on Preventing Cross-Border E-Crime

The preliminary examination (departmental discussion) of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertation in legal sciences by Naeem AllahRakha, a lecturer at the Department of Cyber Law, will be held. 🎓 The open joint meeting of the Departments of International Law and Human Rights, and Cyber Law of Tashkent State University of Law will be held […]
Important Meeting Held Between TSUL’s Cyber Law Department and British Embassy

Tashkent, Uzbekistan – An important meeting was held between the Cyber Law Department of Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) and the British Embassy. The meeting encompassed a range of initiatives aimed at strengthening cooperation in the field of legal regulation of new technologies. During the meeting, the parties discussed the development of academic exchange […]