Cyber Law Department

Cyber Law Department

On February 6, 2023, a new Department of Cyber Law was opened at the Tashkent State University of Law in order to train highly qualified specialists in the field of legal regulation of digital technologies and cyberspace, which corresponds to modern trends in the development of public life.

The department has developed and implemented a modern online educational platform with access to an electronic library, video lectures, practical cases, as well as containing information about ongoing educational programs at the department, scientific events, international competitions, the latest modern scientific works of the department staff and published under their leadership scientific works of students and undergraduates.

Two visiting foreign professors (Purvi Pokharyal – National University of Forensic Science of India, Samet Tatar – Ankara Yildirim Beyazit University), one foreign teacher (Naeem AllahRakha – Pakistan), 6 doctors of law, 2 doctors of philosophy in in Law, one graduate of Pennsylvania State University (USA), graduate of Nagoya University (Japan). The entire team of the Cyberlaw Department was formed based on the high requirements of the university.

The Department of Cyber Law has developed 35 new specialized disciplines for undergraduate and graduate students, including Cyber Parvo, FinTech and Law, Electronic Justice, Electronic Government, Cyber Criminal Law, Telecommunications Law, Digital Advocacy, Cyber Hygiene, Cyber Ethics, Cyber Crime and Cyber Terrorism, International Cyber Criminal Law, Artificial intelligence, robotics and law, Cybersecurity, digital forensics, Cyber insurance, Quantum law, Social networks and law and others.
For all of these subjects, innovative syllabuses were developed in the shortest possible time, aimed at developing critical thinking and practical skills of students, as well as containing the latest topics and special requirements for passing intermediate and final tests. The practice of writing essays according to special requirements similar to those for writing scientific articles for publication in journals included in the Scopus database was introduced, which made it possible to improve students’ skills in writing scientific papers and orient them towards scientific activities. Thus, the department received a large list of current problems in the field of Cyber Law with possible options for resolving them.

When developing content in the above-mentioned disciplines, an innovative approach was used, focusing on students with maximum accessibility for understanding and perception. Video lessons have been prepared for additional and independent study on all taught disciplines and topics. All this has made the educational process more flexible and accessible.

The Department of Cyberlaw also successfully conducts its scientific activities. Today, over 10 monographs prepared by the department’s staff are under consideration by the TSUL Council. It is also worth noting the work of the head of the department S. Gulyamov, who prepared a monograph on cyber peacekeeping, which is being reviewed at the UN.

Two professors of the department became members of the editorial board of such journals as “Revista Brasileira de Alternative Dispute Resolution” and “Ticaret ve Fikri Mülkiyet Hukuku Dergisi”, indexed in the Scopus database.

At the Department of Cyber Law, doctoral students and independent applicants conduct scientific research in such promising areas as the legal regulation of artificial intelligence, its legal status, virtual personalities in cyberspace, personal data protection, e-government, e-justice, e-sports, cybersecurity of critical information infrastructure, distributed registry technologies (blockchain), digital financial assets (cryptocurrency), intellectual property protection in the digital economy, digital inequality, cyber fraud, online services, virtual organizations, distance trading, cyber peacekeeping, state cyber sovereignty, the use of artificial intelligence in the military sphere, quantum law, cyber immortality and others.

In addition, the department staff submitted two grants for the development of the Artificial Intelligence Code and the Nuclear Energy Code.
