Cyber Law
Table of Contents English Uzbek Russian FAQ ON SUBJECT What are the main components of the course and how are they weighted? The course comprises lectures, practical training, and independent study. The weight of each component is as follows: Lectures: 20% Practical Training: 25% Independent Study: 75% How is the final grade calculated? Your final […]
Research Methodology
Table of Contents English Uzbek Russian FAQ ON SUBJECT What are the main components of the course and how are they weighted? The course comprises lectures, practical training, and independent study. The weight of each component is as follows: Lectures: 20% Practical Training: 25% Independent Study: 75% How is the final grade calculated? Your final […]
Legal Tech
Table of Contents English Uzbek Russian FAQ ON SUBJECT What are the main components of the course and how are they weighted? The course comprises lectures, practical training, and independent study. The weight of each component is as follows: Lectures: 20% Practical Training: 25% Independent Study: 75% How is the final grade calculated? Your final […]
Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Law
Table of Contents English Uzbek Russian FAQ ON SUBJECT What are the main components of the course and how are they weighted? The course comprises lectures, practical training, and independent study. The weight of each component is as follows: Lectures: 20% Practical Training: 25% Independent Study: 75% How is the final grade calculated? Your final […]
Social Media and Law
SmartTech and Law
Table of Contents English Uzbek Russian FAQ ON SUBJECT What are the main components of the course and how are they weighted? Kurs ma’ruza, amaliy mashg‘ulot va mustaqil ta’limni o‘z ichiga oladi. Har bir komponentning og‘irligi quyidagicha: Ma’ruzalar: 20% Amaliy mashg‘ulotlar: 25% Mustaqil tadqiqot: 75% How is the final grade calculated? Yakuniy bahongiz quyidagilar orqali […]