Navigating Cyber Law Challenges: International Conference at Tashkent State University of Law

The Cyber Law Department of Tashkent State University of Law is pleased to announce the upcoming international conference, “The Dilemmas of Cyber Law: Legal Development in Emerging Technologies,” scheduled for April 10, 2025. This event aims to address the evolving legal challenges in the digital era, offering a platform for experts to discuss and develop […]
Кибергигиена-как основа правовой культуры в цифровом обществе
Темурбек Пулатов Преподаватель кафедры Кибер права Введение В условиях стремительного развития цифровых технологий и их интеграции в повседневную жизнь общества вопросы кибергигиены и цифровой безопасности приобретают ключевое значение. Цифровизация охватывает все сферы жизнедеятельности, начиная от личного общения и онлайн-банкинга до предоставления государственных услуг и управления бизнес-процессами. В таких условиях защита информации, соблюдение правил безопасного поведения […]
Tashkent State University of Law Lecturers Tour Advanced Forensic Centers at NFSU

Lecturers from Tashkent State University of Law, Islombek Abdikhakimov, Ekaterina Kan, and Bobur Saidov, recently participated in a symposium organized by the National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU) and the World Society of Criminology. A highlight of their visit was an extensive tour of NFSU’s state-of-the-art forensic centers. The Uzbek delegation explored four key facilities at […]
Cyber Law Department Lecturers Participate in Prestigious International Course in India

Lecturers from the Cyber Law Department of Tashkent State University of Law – Islombek Abdikhakimov, Bobur Saidov, and Kan Ekaterina successfully participated in the “2nd Indian Postgraduate Course on Victimology, Victim Assistance & Criminal Justice” held in India from August 27-31, 2024. This prestigious international event, organized by the National Forensic Sciences University (NFSU) of […]
Professor Gulyamov and Cyber Law Department Join Nationwide Community Service

Today, Professor Gulyamov and the Cyber Law Department actively participated in the nationwide community service day. They contributed to public welfare by engaging in environmental cleaning and beautification efforts across the area.
Professors from Tashkent State University of Law’s Cyber Law Department Achieve Recognition at TELE 2024 and Gain Acclaim with Multiple Publications in SCOPUS and Web of Science

Lipetsk, Russian Federation – August 2024 – Leading academics from the Cyber Law Department of Tashkent State University of Law (TSUL) have made significant contributions at the 4th International Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning in Higher Education (TELE 2024). Held in Lipetsk, the conference highlighted groundbreaking research and recommendations that are set to transform higher […]
Cyber Law Department Researchers Publish Papers in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems

Researchers from the Cyber Law Department have published two papers that will be recommended for inclusion in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems series (Electronic ISSN: 2367-3389, Print ISSN: 2367-3370). The first paper, “Implementing Cybersecurity Norms in Regulations and Standards for Smart Buildings”, was authored by Said Gulyamov, Sadokat Safoeva, Farangiz Zaynobiddinova, Diyora Imomalieva, […]
Cyber Law Department Hosts British Experts for Workshops and Meetings at Tashkent State University of Law

Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti Kiber huquq kafedrasi Britaniyalik mutaxassislar ishtirokida seminarlar va uchrashuvlar o’tkazdi Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti (TDYU) Kiber huquq kafedrasi yaqinda taniqli britaniyalik huquqshunos Mark Kerroll va Buyuk Britaniyaning Toshkentdagi elchixonasi Terrorizmga qarshi kurash bo’limi xodimi Metyu Uilmorni qabul qildi. 20-may kuni bo’lib o’tgan tashrif universitetda xalqaro hamkorlikni kengaytirish va yuridik ta’lim sifatini […]
Renowned UK legal expert Mark Carroll to visit Cyber Law Department

Toshkent davlat yuridik universiteti xorijiy mutaxassislarni jalb qilish orqali yuridik kadrlar tayyorlash sifatini oshirish bo’yicha faoliyat olib bormoqda. Shu maqsadda, 20-may kuni soat 10:00da Buyuk Britaniyaning taniqli yurist mutaxassisi Mark Carroll Kiber huquq kafedrasiga tashrif buyuradi va ma’ruza o’tkazadi. Mark Carroll Buyuk Britaniya Oliy Prokuratura xizmati vakili bo’lib, terrorizmga qarshi kurashish va kiberjinoyatlarni tergov qilish […]
Professor Alexey Minbaleev Visits TSUL for Insightful Discussions

15.05.2024 kuni Toshkent davlat yuridik universitetida (TDYU) Rossiya Fanlar akademiyasining eksperti, Moskva davlat yuridik universitetining Axborot huquqi va raqamli texnologiyalar kafedrasi mudiri, yuridik fanlar doktori, professor Aleksey Minbaleev bilan qiziqarli uchrashuv bo’lib o’tdi. TDYU Kiber huquqi kafedrasi tomonidan tashkil etilgan tadbirga soat 10:00da start berildi. Ushbu majlisda universitetning turli kafedralaridan qatnashchilar ishtirok etdi, bu esa […]